Saturday, August 9, 2008

41 weeks and 1 day

What a busy day we've had! No we haven't had the baby but we did go to a lot of places and get a lot done...

Erich got a hair cut and then we went to Ikea. Ikea is such a crazy place especially on the weekend but what else did we have to do... so we spent a few hours there (we did eat lunch for part of the time) and stand in a long line that took forever! Then on our way back we stopped at Target, Lowes and the store...came home and I made dinner--panang curry with tofu and eggplant. There is some eggplant parmesan recipe that is suppose to make pregnant women go into labor but that does not sound good to me at all! So maybe spicy Thai eggplant will work for far nothing yet.

After dinner we or actually Erich, started putting the desk that we got together in the office and then he put up some curtains so that we aren't woken up by the bright sun every morning in our bedroom.

It's almost mid-night and we are still up! Erich is playing a video game and I was working on ordering some stamping stuff ... I'm sure we'll be getting used to staying awake during odd hours once the baby gets here. We wish she would come tonight, or tomorrow or earlier than Monday afternoon! Maybe she is waiting until the very last minute.

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