Saturday, July 23, 2011

I want to update more but I am realizing I am way behind and I need more time to sort through pictures on the camera before I post.  I see that I have miss the 4th of July, our visit from Auntie Bekah...and much much more! Stay tuned I will try to get organized!  The sun is suppose to return tomorrow so if I don't get around to posting you'll know why...


Emi has many faces...I found this series of pictures that Erich took of Emi.  I can't believe she's almost 3!!!  Each one of these shots of her show her little personality.  She's a keeper!

My sweet little girl!

intense eyes...

This is how I chew my gummy vitamin.

Sunday, July 17, 2011

Play Date!

On the eve of JT's 3rd birthday (Happy 3rd birthday JT!) we meet up for a long over due play date.  Our plan was to meet at the Mercer Slough blueberry farm...lunches packed, kids bundled...and it rained of course!  So plan b, play at the Kids Cove at Bellevue Square.  The Kids Cove was a zoo so the kids ran around for a little bit but I think they were both a little over whelmed so we found a quieter place to have lunch and catch up.

Lunch time!
JT was very kind to share lots of apple slices with Emi.
Sweet Haley waiting patiently for everyone to eat their lunch.
Time to say, "good bye" with a high 5!
See you next time!

Thursday, July 14, 2011


These are the sweet faces that we see each day.  Kenzi is into sucking on fingers and making signs.  Emi is into making silly scary faces, since it seems to be more fun than smiling nicely for mommy.

Friday Play Dates With Nathan

We enjoy our Fridays with Nathan!  It's so fun to see Emi and her friend "grow up" together.  I can't believe these two are beginning preschool in the fall.  I am SO happy they will be beginning school together.

Today was a wet summer day so we got out the jelly stickers.
These things kept them at the window for a good 25min!
I see you!
Kenzi just has fun watching all the action around her.
Soon she will have a new little friend of her own too!
Time to SHOP!
Down the hall...
and around the corner and repeat!

Crib Shots

I snapped these pictures of Kenzi in her crib. She's such an easy going baby, I love how she can find her thumb to help her get to sleep.  She's not swaddled in her swaddle me blankie anymore either, she prefers to have her hands free and to be wrapped around her tummy instead.

I took these pictures of the girls one sunny morning while Erich was getting ready... I love how happy Kenzi looks in this picture!

Tricky trying to get them to smile at the same time.
(Emi trying hard to smile for mommy.)

Let's try it again :)