Monday, November 30, 2009

Ko'Olina, Part 2

Here are pictures from the second half of our trip in Ko'Olina.

We can't wait to come back!

Sunday, November 29, 2009

First Family Vacation to Hawaii!

We took our first family vacation to Hawaii last week, it was SO much fun! Emi did well on the flight to and fro. We worked really hard to keep her entertained! Here are pictures from our trip. The first 2 nights we stayed in Waikiki and the last 4 nights we were in Ko'Olina. The weather was perfect and beautiful, our trip was very relaxing as we did not plan to do much :) Emi was very good to us, we tried to keep her on the same nap schedule. She did pretty well giving us time to enjoy the beach and the pool during her naps! We can't wait until we can go back again!Thanks for taking us to the airport!
Emi wanted to pull our suitcase all by herself!
On the tram

Part 1: Waikiki

I need to catch up on other stuff so I will upload the pics from the second part of out trip another time, soon!!!

Friday, November 27, 2009


I think we've got a shoe lover already!

I have a really great video but stupid blogger didn't upload it...all that time for nothing! I will try again... Emi also found the perfect size vaccuum to match the one that we have at home!

Unle Trent's Birthday Dinner

We were invited to celebrate Trent's birthday with him and his friends and family. Dinner was at Boom Noodle in Bellevue. What a fun place it was down there, Snowflake lane all lit up and the drummers were out as we were making our way through the busy side walk. A great way to get into the holiday spirit!

Jayden: "Hi Emi, I remember you now! It's been too long!"
Jayden 12 months, Emi 15 months, Nathan 19 months
Nathan: "Isn't my Uncle Trent the best?"

How many babies can you hold?

Happy Birthday Trent! Thanks for inviting us!

Thursday, November 26, 2009

Thanksgiving 2009

We hosted Thanksgiving at our house this year. I made the turkey and everyone else brought side dishes. Everything turned out so well! Good food, family, and lots of laughter. We are very thankful for our family, friends and health! Hope everyone enjoyed a wonderful Thanksgiving too!

Sunday, November 22, 2009

Toddler Bed

We converted Emi's crib to a toddler bed in hopes that she will stay and sleep in it! She had been sleeping on a twin mattress but we wanted her to get to use her little toddler bed...Emi will give you a tour of of newly made over room.

Saturday, November 21, 2009

Accessories & a New Do!

Emi and Daddy played at the Kids Quest Museum while Mommy shopped. Emi was really interested in these bracelets and necklaces too, so funny! We've also started trying out pony tails on Emi now that she has some more hair. It's so fun being a girl!
Emi is thinking "Pleeease can I have these?"

Emi: "Hurry up and take the picture! I am not going to smile for you!"

Saturday, November 14, 2009

Luca's 3rd Birthday!

We were invited to Luca's 3rd Birthday Party at Gymboree! What a fun place for little ones to run around and explore. We hope Luca has a wonderful year as a 3 year old! Thanks for a fun party!

Birthday smooch :)

Friday, November 13, 2009

Miss Independent!

We took Emi to Crossroads to run some errands. While Erich and Emi waited for me to look around at JoAnn's Emi road the carousel a few times, then before we left she got another ride. It was so sweet, Emi wanted to be like the big kids and hold on without anyone's help! She actually pushed Erich away...our little monkey baby is becoming such a big girl!

Monday, November 9, 2009

Novemeber playdate with Nathan!

we enjoyed our playdate indoors on this rainy day!





It's always a fun playdate with Nathan!