Friday, January 28, 2011

Emi and Nathan

The first thing Emi and Nathan played today was SHOPPING!!! So much fun when you can ring up each other's purchases and collect money...

Next it was time for "Our Time, Kindermusik"...Emi asks Nathan, "Do you want to sit in my lap?" Nathan did! So funny, Emi was trying to be like a little mommy...

Then another friend, Collin, joined us to play! It was so much fun at lunch time to have 3 kiddos eating at the table. Nathan didn't think he liked hot dogs (really a turkey hot dog) but when he tried it, there was cheering and jumping up and down-well I had to stop the excitement because they has food in their mouthes!

Thursday, January 27, 2011


One of the books we checked out from the library last week was Ten Red Apples by Pat Hutchins. Emi LOVES this story so I decided to make some apple cookies with her this morning. She did a good job listening and using the cookie cutters. One of her Kindermusik books is called Milk and Cookies, and it's about measuring, mixing, rolling, cutting out cookies, and baking them so she was so excited to be doing those things just like the story!

We invited some friends over to share the cookies with this afternoon.

38 Weeks and 3 Days...

I had my check up on Tuesday which makes me 38 weeks and 5 days today. Nothing really to report about since last week's appointment, I still haven't dilated. I have been feeling pretty good during the day time, it's getting uncomfortable at night with sleeping. I am excited to meet our 2nd little baby girl, but I am not surprised that I haven't dilated or that she isn't already here. Emi was 10 days late (she came the day I was suppose to be induced) and I never dilated before so this little one may be just waiting like her big sis.

Emi has been so sweet and patient with me, she understands that I can't really hold her too long anymore with my big belly. She is also getting excited to meet her little sister, every morning, afternoon (before and after nap) and at bedtime she asks to lift up my shirt and talk to her baby sister. She's been asking if she can hold her or if she can take her out of my belly. Emi's going to be a great big sister, I just can't wait until they meet!

Next appointment is Monday evening...stay tuned :)

Saturday, January 22, 2011

Brunch with Auntie Emily and Uncle Mark

Uncle Mark and Auntie Emily brought brunch over on Saturday (YUM!), what a great way to start the day! Emi has been really into her Brown Bear, Brown Bear book (and a few others by Eric Carle that Auntie Emily had given Emi when she was very little) Emi enjoyed being read to by Auntie Emily. Thanks so much for visiting and for bringing brunch to share, can't wait to see you again when Emi's little sister arrives!

Friday, January 21, 2011

Auntie Christine and Emi

We were lucky to have Auntie Christine visit us last week! We made a trip to the library before Christine came, Emi enjoyed listening to a story read by Auntie Christine. Thanks for the books for Emi and her little sister too, can't wait until we have two kiddos to read to!

Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Christmas at Grammie's

We celebrated Christmas with Grammie, Uncle Justin, Auntie Margie, Uncle Bill, and Cousin James. It was nice to celebrate on a separate day so that Emi didn't get too over whelmed!
Happy Birthday Grammie!

Sunday, January 16, 2011

Emi and Nathan

This Friday Emi and Nathan were both so great! Last week was challenging...Emi has been working on sharing, keeping her hands to herself and using her words, today she did much better!

After lunch we had some down time playing this matching game and doctor. Earlier in the morning they were playing their usual pretend shopping trips to Trader Joe's, Costco, Home Depot, Fred Meyer, Jamba Juice, Cafe fun to watch!

Christmas Day

After spending Christmas morning together at our house we headed out for some warm drinks and then to Po Po and Gung Gung's house. We had a nice relaxing lunch, Emi took a nap and then Auntie Natalie, Uncle Justin, Auntie Jeanie and Uncle Marc joined us for more eating and gift opening. The next day we celebrated Christmas with Erich's family (and I can't believe I forgot my camera, so I don't have any pictures yet, there was some trouble sending the files).

As usual Emi loves helping in Po Po and Gung Gung's kitchen, once we pull up she asks, "What's Gung Gung makin'?" They were cutting bambo shoots for lettuce wraps, and they were yummy!

Emi got this doctor kit, she's a good little doctor and it seems to have put her at ease when coming with me to doctor appointments.

Saturday, January 15, 2011

Christmas Morning

On Christmas morning we woke up, ate breakfast, got dressed, took pictures, and opened presents! It was fun to see Emi open her own presents this year and talk about which presents were from year we'll have a family of four! How fun!

Sunday, January 9, 2011

Christmas Eve

We had another fun Christmas Eve at Auntie Christine and Uncle Eric's house. We all enjoyed the great company, food, and secret Santa gift exchange. The highlight for Emi was playing with Davey!

Emi really liked how Davey listened to her when she asked him to, sit and lay down.
Emi's secret Santa gave her a sink that recycles the water so now she can play at her very own sink!
Mmmm dessert time! Birthday cakes for the 2 December birthday girls, Auntie Christine and Auntie Jeanie!

Thursday, January 6, 2011

Happy New Year!

I know I am way behind on my blog posts...and right now I don't have time to put up Christmas pictures but I will soon!

While you are waiting here is a baby update. We had our 34 week check up about a week or so ago. Good news! The cyst has dissolved and couldn't be found on the ultra sound and baby measured in the 12th percentile. So she's continuing to grow and we are happy about that :) I can't believe we are less than a month away from becoming a family of 4!

Hope everyone is having a great start to the New Year!