Friday, February 27, 2009

Spur of the moment visit!

It's so great to have Auntie Jaime so close by...we decided to make a visit spur of the moment on Friday. Emi really enjoyed playing with Luca and Brando's toys -thanks for always sharing!!!

Lunch Break!

Uncle Justin came by for a quick visit while he was on his lunch break. Coincidentally Emi and Justin were coordinating their outfits that day!

Thursday, February 26, 2009

Jayden and Emi

Jayden came to play today! We had a lot of fun and both babies were worn out! Thanks for coming out, see you guys soon!

Wednesday, February 25, 2009

Standing baby!

Emi was excited to show Mommy and Daddy how she can hold herself up on this Go-Baby-Go Jungle toy that she got for Christmas! So exciting!


Today Auntie Natalie joined us for swimming, well, she watched and took lots of picture and video! Thanks! Emi was actually interested in toy time today! She grabbed this nice orange ball!

Tuesday, February 24, 2009


Emi is discovering what she can do with her hands. She was patting this red ball.

...and learning how to open drawers!

**I have video but they are not loading properly, so annoying!!!**

Monday, February 23, 2009

Lunch with Ellen!

We had lunch with Ellen and Grandma today, yum dim sum! Emi loves meeting new friends. Ellen it was so fun to see you!

Sunday, February 22, 2009

Photo shoot!

We were getting ready to take Emi to her 6 mo photos at JCP, first we had to decide what she was going to we had to try on a few outfits. One from Uncle Trent and Auntie Steph, and another from Auntie Jeanie and Uncle Marc -thanks for Emi's accessories too!

Friday, February 20, 2009

Friday Night

We spent Friday night with Grandma, Grandpa, and Uncle Justin.

Thursday, February 19, 2009

New Friend!

Emi met a new friend today, baby Jayden! He's so sweet and cute! I think they are going to have fun getting to know each other and playing together. We had a fun time on our walk! Hope we see you again soon!

Jayden 3 mos. Emi 6 mos.

Wednesday, February 18, 2009

No Swimming Pictures Today

We did go swimming but since Daddy had to work no one was there to take pictures! Emi enjoyed the pool and was kicking and spashling more than ever! Here are some pictures of Emi after we got home just hanging out on her boppy.

Emi: Oh no, not the camera again!

Emi: Maybe I can try...

Emi: I guess smiling for the camera isn't too hard.

Emi: Hi everyone!


We had a fun mini reunion with some old friends from high school who also have little ones. It was so good to see everyone again and to meet all the babies! We tried to get a picture but as you can see one started crying and that set everyone else off!

All the babies were toppling over and crying!

Emi (6mo), Dayna (5mo), Kailee (2mo), Austin (9mo), and Brando (13 mo) Luca (2 yr) Not pictured: Peyton (5mo)

I thought it was so cute that Luca and Brando were waiting for bites of cake from their mommy...I have to say it was very yummy!

Tuesday, February 17, 2009

Fun toys and learning too!

Emi is reading one of her favorite books and biting on a teething toy.

Emi is beginning to playing with her play and sing puppy. It will help Emi learn her colors and other important things about the world with fun catchy tunes. She got this lovely toy from Auntie Laurie, one of Mommy's friends from Cascade! Thanks Laurie!

Monday, February 16, 2009

Monday, Monday!

We usually spend Mondays with Grandma and Grandpa. Grandma came to watch Emi while Mommy went to an appointment. After Mommy got home we went to have lunch and to the store. Emi played with Grandpa and Auntie Jeanie this afternoon too! Look at Emi and Grandpa on the recliner.

Emi: "I love this guy, I would never get away with playing with the remote at my house!"

Emi also relaxed on her swing from Luca and Brando. Thanks for the low rider guys! It's great to have an extra swing at Grandma and Grandpa's house!

Emi's First Valentine's Day!

Emi had a wonderful first Valentine's Day! We had a yummy dinner at Auntie Jaime's to celebrate Uncle Gianni's birthday. After dinner we headed to Grandma and Grandpa's for some sweet Valentine treats!

Emi got a really cute hat and outfit. Mommy and Daddy got some yummy chocolates! Thank you Grandma and Grandpa!!!