Monday, November 15, 2010

28 week check up

I had my 28 week check up today. The appointment was long and a little unsettling. We had an ultra sound first and they found that the placenta had moved away from the cervix (which is the reason why I had the ultrasound scheduled in the first place) but then the ultra sound tech saw a cyst in the baby's abdominal area and did not measure any growth in the baby since the 20 week ultra sound. So made an appointment to see a specialist at the Maternal Fetal Medicine Clinic the next day to get a closer look at the baby. In addition to all that...I had to get my blood drawn for the glucose test but they weren't able to get my blood because I have tiny veins, they tried twice and the 3rd time I almost fainted...not fun. So I get to drink the glucose drink again...

Thankfully the news we received from the 2nd ultra sound at the specialist was positive. We were relieved to find out that the cyst is probably going to dissolve on it's on and it's probably caused by the hormones that the baby is getting from me. The size of the baby also measure larger than the previous ultra sound so that was good news too! Next check up will be at 30 weeks!

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