Saturday, August 7, 2010


Erich had knee surgery on Monday and came home in great spirits and no pain! The second day wasn't too bad either, then it went down (Saturday) he is hanging in there and trying to keep an appetite so he can continue his medication schedule. Poor guy, poor Daddy!

I don't really have any pictures to share but when Emi saw Erich for the first time after his surgery she remembered us leaving for the doctor's because the first thing she said to Erich was, "What'd the doctor say?" and they "Daddy owie." It's been hard for Emi not to have her Daddy to play and to be quieter than usual. Erich's looking forward to his post opt. appointment on Tuesday and his physical therapy so he can get back to moving around again.

1 comment:

Carrie said...

I had knee surgery twice. Wasn't fun either time. The second time around it was at least 7 days before I felt like myself and wasn't in constant pain. I'm sure Erich will be up and mobile soon!! Best wishes for a fast recovery!!