Wednesday, August 11, 2010

Happy 2nd Birthday Emi!

It's Emi's 2nd birthday already! We had a fun day with our friends Asher and Jake, then home for dinner with mommy and daddy. Emi got a surprise visit from Auntie Dorene, Danielle, Corey, Emma, and Collin--thank you so much for the balloons Emi is really enjoying them! Emi also got a visit from Grammie and Uncle Justin. She also had some birthday phone calls from Po Po, Auntie Jeanie and Grandpa, she was quiet the talker tonight.

We didn't want to over load her with cake (I know even though it's her real birthday) so instead Erich made her chocolate pudding. It was her first time eating pudding and she liked it a lot!

Emi Rei we love you and can't wait to share many more birthdays with you!

Emi woke up to check out her birthday cards!

Danielle and Emi...birthday balloons!

Birthday pudding time!

Make a wish!

Time for a present...

Testing out her new easel!

We got her some things to go with it but unfortunately the mail key for packages didn't work! We will have to see if we can catch the mail carrier tomorrow to get her presents out...what a bummer!

1 comment:

Carrie said...

Happy Birthday Emi!!! =)