Friday, October 9, 2009

Busy, busy!

I feel like we have been getting busier and busier these days and I am not posting or taking pictures as often as I used to! Lately our weeks have been filled with Monday-time with grandma and grandpa, Tuesday with Asher, Wednesday with swimming (which will be ending this month until we find a new place) we will miss Kinderswimmer but can't dedicate two days a week to swimming. Emi had floats on for the first time last week and she did great, she even went down the slide! She has no fear of the water which is so great and she always has fun! We have 3 more sessions this month and then we will try a new place, still looking for the right place. Thursday and Friday mornings I tutor, soooooo when the weekend rolls around we are busy going to the farm, which is ending this month too and doing all the other fun family stuff we enjoy! I have to say I can't imagine what it would be like to have another child to add to this balancing act, but I guess it will just bring on more joy and fun memories! Not that we are expecting anytime soon but recently I have just been so exhausted and busy with just Emi and Erich that I can't imagine how crazy/busy life will be with one more!

I just thought I should write a little something to remind me what we have been doing so when I look back I will remember why the blog updates and pictures have slowed down...I am getting ready to post our fun trip to the Children's Museum from was so much FUN-you'll see :)

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