Thursday, February 16, 2012

Kenzi 12 Months

Look at this lil muffin...she is 12 months old today!  I think Emi was used to smiling for the camera because I was always in her face with it...Kenzi...well she doesn't get chased around with a camera as much.  She does smile a lot though!

On Kenzi's birthday she began to walk more than crawl.
I thought this picture of Emi was cute, she looks so proud of her lil sis.
Another thing that Kenzi decided she should do on her first birthday was to use a spoon!
Since her birthday she has been interested in self feeding which I was struggling to get her to do before.
On her birthday we had a special dessert.  Strawberries and whip cream.
There she is waiting patiently, wondering what that glowing stick of fire was on top of that
white pile of red fruit.
Emi was sweet and patient waiting to see how Kenzi was going to like her dessert.
Then she offered to sweet.  Kenzi and Emi enjoyed their  strawberries and whip cream treat!

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