Wednesday, January 25, 2012

Our Mornings Lately...

We are getting back into the swing of things now that the snow has come and gone...

Here is what typically happens on mornings that Emi does not have school.  Daddy says good bye to everyone with hugs and kisses!

Kenzi and Melanie greet each other in their pjs...I thought it was funny this morning they were both wearing "hand me downs" from friends that had boys...

They are really having fun!
Melanie is almost 5 months and Kenzi is 11 months
Then Emi joins the babies...
I should have tried harder to get a head to toe time :)

I got Kenzi dressed and let her loose...she decides to try using the
wipe box as a chair...

Melanie hanging out in a safe place while I clean up...

Kenzi likes working on this lock and latches board...
Auntie Carrie is finished picking up and now Melanie gets some time on the play mat!

Woo hoo!

My happy little helper!

This is another morning later this week...Emi is really sweet
and mostly patient when I have my hands full.  She loves being able to help me with Kenzi and Melanie.

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