Sunday, January 29, 2012

Happy Year of the Dragon!

We had a fun Chinese New Year celebration at Gung Gung and Po Po's house.  Gung Gung made delicious crab, noodles, shrimp, and salmon, what a fest!  Thank you!!!
Playing with Gung Gung, Melanie and Auntie Jeanie

Air plane!

Guess who wanted a turn next?
Emi's turn!!!


Lucky money!

"Baby oranges"

Auntie Jeanie put together year books for my parents with all our pictures.
Very special!

Look at this cutie!  She's ready to shop with her lucky money!

Melanie with her mommy and daddy.
Wishing everyone a happy and healthy New Year!

Little Climber

Kenzi has decided to climb anything that she can...tonight I found her climbing the table inside the play house. Look at that little face...she is a clever one!

Friday, January 27, 2012

Emi and Nathan

It's been a while since I've posted about Emi and Nathan.  These two kiddos are sure growing up quickly, today they decided they wanted to cut and glue paper and then color.  
Here they are again on a different day, reading and getting along so well!  It's pretty busy here on Friday mornings with 4 kids under 3 1/2 (one almost 4),  Nathan and Emi are pretty good about being quiet when babies are trying to nap, I am so glad they have each other to play with.
                                                               Time for their silly faces!

Wednesday, January 25, 2012

Our Mornings Lately...

We are getting back into the swing of things now that the snow has come and gone...

Here is what typically happens on mornings that Emi does not have school.  Daddy says good bye to everyone with hugs and kisses!

Kenzi and Melanie greet each other in their pjs...I thought it was funny this morning they were both wearing "hand me downs" from friends that had boys...

They are really having fun!
Melanie is almost 5 months and Kenzi is 11 months
Then Emi joins the babies...
I should have tried harder to get a head to toe time :)

I got Kenzi dressed and let her loose...she decides to try using the
wipe box as a chair...

Melanie hanging out in a safe place while I clean up...

Kenzi likes working on this lock and latches board...
Auntie Carrie is finished picking up and now Melanie gets some time on the play mat!

Woo hoo!

My happy little helper!

This is another morning later this week...Emi is really sweet
and mostly patient when I have my hands full.  She loves being able to help me with Kenzi and Melanie.

Wednesday, January 18, 2012

Snowy Days!

We have SNOW! And more came last night! On Sunday Emi played outside with Daddy, Grammie and Uncle Justin...oh and Naomi too! They had fun building a snowman and sledding together.
Sledding buddies.

I like snow!

Throwing snowballs for Naomi.

Grammie and Naomi

Final touches to the snowman.

Snowy Wednesday morning!
Ready to go sledding again!

Sunday, January 1, 2012

Happy New Year!

Happy New Year everyone! We had our first dinner of the New Year at Uncle Joe and Sonia's {as we have the past few years}. It was a fun evening with yummy food and drinks. Emi especially like the smoked salmon spread. After we were all stuffed with salad, turkey, ham, and baked veggies we everyone played Kinect Just Dance. Kenzi took a couple of her first steps as everyone was playing! It won't be long until she's walking :)

New Years at Uncle Joe and Auntie Sonia's

The littlest cousins...

Kenzi, Melanie and Emi, playing with Gung Gung and Po Po.

Story time with Auntie Natalie.

Auntie Jeanie and Emi sharing some salmon spread!