Emi helping Avery with her binkie...
Emi just adores Avery, every time she sees her she just wants to touch her and smiles at her, it's very sweet.
It's official, we are expecting baby #2 in February! We are SO excited! I am 13 weeks along in this picture. The first trimester went pretty fast, I did have some morning sickness (more at night time) but am feeling like I have more energy now. We will find out September 20th if our new little bundle will be a boy or a girl.
In addition to adding to our family we also got a new car, well van. I never thought I would have one of these but I think it will make life a lot easier with 2 kiddos. I like to call it the mini :)
1 comment:
Sooooo excited for you! Now I'll have a new blog to follow!! =) Baby #2 is so lucky! Emi is going to be a great big sister. =)
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