My friend Kim came to meet Emi too! Thanks for stopping by!

Emi took an extra long nap yesterday afternoon so she wasn't so tired at night, she woke up about every 2 hours instead of only wake up once in the middle of the night and then again in the early morning...we're working on our schedule today!
She was very happy to fall asleep in Daddy's arms when he came home from work.

Today Emi and I went to run a couple of errands, we needed to get some diapers and groceries. Emi did a pretty good job riding in the car with out anyone sitting next to her and she took a little snooze in the car too. Soon we will be able to go more places together!

Ms. Meg and Josh came by today to play and hold Emi! Thanks for coming by to visit with Emi so I could shower :)
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