Saturday, April 30, 2011

Uncle Bill, Aunt Margie & James

Kenzi meets Aunt Margie, Uncle Bill and James.

Kenzi had a lot to say to James...

Kenzi was chatting up a storm!

Thank you for coming over to meet Kenzi!

Thursday, April 21, 2011

Kenzi's 2 Month Update

Time flies, I am already 2 months old!

Nurse Isabella is measuring me.
I am 22 3/4" long, 75-90%tile
I am now 10lbs 13oz, 50-75%tile
Smiles for Daddy.  Thanks for being here at my check up.
Dr. Ryan says that I am growing well and my legs are very strong.  She warned my parents that I might roll over earlier than they think so they need to keep an extra eye on me!
Dr. Ryan was right about keeping a close eye on me, I haven't rolled over yet...
but I did get tangled in some hair and had to take my first trip to urgent care.
Some how a thin piece of hair got wrapped really tight around my middle toe!
Good thing mommy noticed and daddy took me to get it taken care of.  

Poor lil toe, it's healing nicely.

Wednesday, April 20, 2011

Kenzi Lu Lu

Auntie Rebekah gave Kenzi a cute nick name, Kenzi Lu Lu and Emi calls Kenzi that sometimes, it's sweet.

I couldn't resist putting Kenzi Lu Lu in Emi's baby stroller, Kenzi liked it too!

Here's Emi playing with Kenzi one evening...

Auntie Natalie and Kenzi

Saturday, April 16, 2011

Rain, Rain, Go Away!

Since it's been rainy around here we've been inside...Emi's been interested in matching her lower and upper case letters since playing the matching game with her cards. She also loves playing on it's a fun website that my first graders liked and it has Emi interested in learning letters.

Friday, April 15, 2011

Emi's First Trip to the Dentist

Emi's first trip to the dentist was super successful!  She cooperated very well, it was easy since she saw Dr. Wong a pediatric dentist and relative.  The clinic was so kid friendly and not intimidating at all -I wish I could have had my teeth cleaned there!
Watching this really cool display in the waiting room with Gung Gung.
Waiting with this black bear stuffed animal for the hygienist.

Emi had her teeth brushed...
Waited for the dentist...
Dr. Wong had gloves that smelled like orange!
Dr. Wong said Emi's teeth looked great!  Thank you Dr. Wong!

Sunday, April 10, 2011

Kenzi, Emi and Avery!

Auntie Maureen and Avery came over to play! I wish I could have taken more pictures but it's hard keeping up with everyone AND trying to get everyone to look at the camera at the same time. Thanks for visiting we hope to have another play date soon!

Monday, April 4, 2011

Grammie & Uncle Justin

Uncle Justin, Grammie and Kenzi

Grammie, Emi and Kenzi

Emi and Auntie Bekah

Auntie Bekah came to visit during her spring break off from school. Emi LOVED having her Auntie Bekah at our house. Each morning Emi looked forward to waking Auntie Bekah up-at her request of course! Emi had fun when Aunt Bekah picked this book to read before bedtime one night. Thanks for visiting, see you again this summer!

Here are some more pictures from Auntie Bekah's visit...

Sunday, April 3, 2011

Kenzi's One Month Celebration

We celebrated Kenzi's 1 month of life a little late which was probably a good thing because we were all under the weather after her 4 week check up (not fun!).

We met up at Stan's BBQ in Issaquah and shared a yummy lunch together. Thank you everyone for coming!

Friday, April 1, 2011


I love how these 3 are growing up together. It's so heart warming to see Nathan and Emi with Kenzi. They run soft toys over to her when she fusses during a diaper change or read books to her just for fun! I can't wait until Nathan's little brother arrives in August!