Playing in the ol' playhouse never gets old. Tonight Emi was opening and closing the door,
then she decided it would be fun to start screaming and shreeking as if her house was on fire... Checking the doorbell...yup still works!
After that it was time to play with her train tracks and trains. They used to belong to Uncle Justin...Emi is into trains thanks to Kindermusik class! Choo-choo!
Emi and I met Nathan and Auntie Corey for lunch and then headed to the park! It was super sunny and dry, perfect weather for playing on the big toy and walking around the grassy field at Tibbets Park. Nathan just got a new back pack and Emi grabbed hers this morning to take with her in the car (it's the first time she has done that), they must have secretly set that up! It was so cute to see them walking together and playing, so fun! Can't wait until you guys are even closer!!!
I had to make a slide because I kept getting an error when uploading more pictures on blogger! Enjoy!
Emi had her 18 month check up before we left for Vegas. Weight 22lb 14oz. 32 3/4" it's hard to believe the next time she has a check up will be when she is 2 years old! Emi loves discovering new things, trying to say new words and dancing to music. We couldn't be happier to have a healthy toddler.
This is one of Emi's favorite books, she loves reading this one out loud! Emi likes taking walks with her baby stroller!
Emi led her first story time today after dinner. She grabbed her favorite book (Shiny Dinah- from Kindermusik)and sat in her hippo chair. I set up her stuffed animals to listen to her read on the blanket...I was going to get a video next but story time didn't last long enough, it was very cute though!
We took a trip to Las Vegas last weekend to celebrate Jeanie and Marc's wedding. Emi was a flower girl! Emi liked holding the basket like a purse and she thought the flower petals were very interesting. I wish I could have taken more pictures!
The highlight of our weekend was the wedding of course, but we were able to enjoy the sunny and surprisingly warm weather one afternoon at the pool. Emi was very excited to be in the water! Erich and I were lucky enough to have my parents watch Emi for a few hours while we explored the strip (it was Erich's first time in Vegas) I wish we had another toddler free chunk of time to explore more.
This one is for you Jaime :)
Wedding Day!
The weekend flew by! It was not only Marc and Jeanie's wedding (Feb. 14) but also Valentine's day and Chinese New Year! Vegas was a very exciting place to be this weekend with all the festivities going! We wish Mr. and Mrs. Gonzales many happy years together and a relaxing honey moon (in Hawaii)!
Emi is thinking that Vegas is a pretty happenin' place!